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Andri Frischknecht

Home (City / Country) : Feldbach/ Switzerland

Date of birth : 07/07/1994


Career Highlights          


• 3rd Swiss National Championships XCO 22
• 3rd Swiss National Championships XCC 22
• 8th World Cup Nove Mesto 22
• 9th World Championship 19
• 9th World Cup Albstadt 19
• 9th World Cup Nove Mesto 19
• Team Relay European Champion 17/19
• Winner Epic Rides OZ Trails USA 19
• Swiss Epic Champion 18


Athleten Talk

Words to live by / Personal mantra      

What's meant to be will always find a way

What "No Shortcuts" means to you     

There is no shortcut to succses. Work for it ! Somtimes you have to take the harder way to reach your goals.

Three things you always pack  

Phone charger/Earplugs/Sealingplugs for my bike

How I relax       

I like to go fishing on a quiet place

Favorite place to ride (or run or ski depending of your sport) 

Massa Vecchia in Tuscany /Italy